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Review: Get Your Writing Done with Jennifer Louden

Updated: Jan 22, 2023

A class to break through your mental blocks and empower you to be the writer that resides within.

An image of Jennifer Louden beams from this photograph. Her smile is contagious. Her  glasses are funky. And, her clothes are bright.  Above the image is a teal-ish color block. In white it says Get your writing done. On the lower portion of the image it says Get your writing started and finished.

Instructor: Jennifer Louden

Source: CreativeLive

Type: Video

Length: 1.5 hours (approx.)


If you're feeling lost and overwhelmed as a writer, then I cannot recommend this class enough.

Do you need some motivating words to conquer your self-doubt? You're in the right place.

I speak from experience in questioning if I'm "good enough" to be putting my written musings into the world. I would have benefitted from this class 6 months ago when my blog was static. I stared at it unsure of what to do, too timid to make mistakes and just create.

Thankfully I've moved past my own insecurities and could not be happier for doing so.


As of the time of this post, Get Your Writing Done has had 12.9 thousand students who have taken the course.

The class covers:

  • Imposter Syndrome

  • Self-doubt

  • Lack of Focus

  • Distraction

  • The Talent Myth

  • and More

Louden gives her students tips, tricks, and techniques to conquer the forces working against their creativity.

She explains that talent is learned, not given. One must always be willing to improve themselves in those areas most lacking. Perhaps your weakness is character development, world-building, or time jumps. Okay. Identify the issue and find resources to improve your writing skill set.

"You can only be an imposter by ignoring yourself." - Jennifer Louden

Louden covers work style, and I am so glad she did. Work style is essentially how you create an environment to get your writing done. What actions do you take to tell your brain it is time to put thought into words?

She is so compassionate in helping you create your own work style. She doesn't give strict rules that must be followed. She aids in finding your own style that fits your life and circumstances. And, most importantly, she helps identify what is not working for you.

About the Instructor

Jennifer Louden has published 9 books and sold close to a million copies. She's written a national magazine column and hosts writing workshops and retreats around the world. She has two decades of experience coaching writers to hone their skills and find success.




Score: 9/10

If you're ready to tap into your creativity but are in need of a great pep talk then don't hesitate. Take this course!

Or, find a CreativeLive free course that piques your unique interests.


Extra Credit

I recently finished reading Salman Rushdie's novel Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights. In the process of some research for my written book review, I came across an interview with Rushdie discussing finding a voice as a writer and how to respond to criticism. You can find the podcast here. While the podcast does touch on a heavy topic or two near the end it is a delightful, humorous interview. And, you'll find some good nuggets of wisdom on the craft of writing.

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