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Book Review: Year of Wonders

Updated: Jan 11, 2023

Pulitzer Prize-winning author Geraldine Brooks left me in awe with her historical fiction "Year of Wonders".

An image of the cover of "Year of Wonders". A young woman with a flat expression adorns the cover of the book. She has rich dark hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a head covering and is dressed in attire appropriate for the year 1666.

Release Date: 2001 (UK), April 2002 (US)

Genre: Historical Fiction

Pages: 352

Audiobook Length: 10 hours (approx.)


International Bestseller (2001)

Notable Book - New York Times

Notable Book - Washington Post

Top 100 Most Banned and Challenged Books (2010-2019) - ALA


I greedily absorbed 3/4 of the book in two days. It took me an additional two days before I was ready to pick the novel back up to complete it. I wasn't ready for it to end. And, whoa, that ending!

Further, upon its conclusion, I wanted nothing more than to cling to its pages for just a bit longer. I reluctantly returned it to my library. High praise.

Additional Comments

"Year of Wonders" is a historical fiction novel about the real-life English town of Eyam, who upon an outbreak of bubonic plaque within their own village, quarantined themselves from the outside world for a year (1665-1666). This was in an effort to keep the disease from spreading to nearby towns.

The author brought to life this moment of history in this poignant imaginative book. The story covers the familial devastation of plague and how these life-altering events affect the mind. The reader becomes witness to the rise of fear leading to superstition and accusations of witchcraft. Conflicts within faith, family, love, and community are brilliantly experienced within the pages. I felt as though I intimately knew this place and its people.

Content Warnings

  • Adult Themes



Score: 9.5/10

Year of Wonders is a richly imaginative tale.

Yes, get it! Pick it up at your library, local bookstore, or favorite online retailer.


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