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Better Writing In 1.5 Hours

Updated: Dec 14, 2022

Improve your writing with this free resource

A screenshot from the video of the instructor leading his class with a lecture.

Without realizing it, certain styles of writing have been ingrained in us during our years of K-12, and further implanted and reinforced during university.

Academic writing and writing for "the real world" are two different beasts and too many of us have fallen victim to the old habits put upon us by teachers and a grading system.

Now, there's no one secret, template, or mysterious system of word usage that will make us a better writer. Tragic, I know. Instead, we must strive to find nuggets of wisdom that will transform the way we see writing and hope that the insight we glean will evolve our own thinking and capabilities within the craft of writing.

We know that, with practice and the passage of time, we can absorb these nuggets of truth and our written work will become worthy of the lessons we have consumed. This is one such resource.

This video brought about an "aha" moment deep within me. There are many insights to mull over and use to adapt and change our thinking on how, why, and to whom we write.

"Amazing how I went from listening to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme song to watching a one hour lecture about effective writing" - Tobi Ammer, Actual Youtube Comment


Title: LEADERSHIP LAB: The Craft of Writing Effectively

Length: 1 hour 22 minutes

Instructor: Larry McEnerney (In the News), University of Chicago

Bonus Material: Here. Contains much of the same material covered in the above video but with a few key differences. If you enjoyed the above video as much as I and the 3.7 million other online viewers of the video, then it may be worth checking out this bonus material.


Best of luck to us all in our learning pursuits and if you know of any other great resource for the art of writing please share in the comments!


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